Conflict Transformation
Organizational Development

Paths are made by walking them together

Acompanying individuals, groups and organizations in their conflict transformation and processes of change, using principles of solidarity, empowerment and self organization.

How Can I Help?

Illustration: A wooden path in the middle of the lake corresponding with consultancy
Icon: Single leaf symbolizing mediation

Do you have a decision to make? You would like to make a change? I accompany individuals, couples, families, groups or teams to identify and address challenges, improve processes, and achieve your desired goals.

Illustration: Hand holding a sprout, symbolizing growth from conflict
Conflict Transformation
Icon: Two leaves symbolizing process management

Depending on the situation, different interventions are helpful for dealing with a conflict. As a mediator and systemic consultant, I offer a colorful bouquet of process options and their design - adapted to your individual case.

Illustration: A flock of birds simbolizing Organizational development
Organizational Development
Icon: Three leaves symbolizing consultancy

Enhancing collaboration, communication, a diversity and trauma sensitive team culture within your team or group; working towards a common goal. It involves activities and interventions aimed at building trust, improving relationships, and detecting resources collectively or individually.

The Power of Your Vision

Individual Coaching or Group Workshop

Icon: Two leaves symbolizing process management

Your vision is a powerful tool to bring up your potentials and ideas for lasting change. If on a very personal session or collectively with your partner, family, team or group I support you finding your visions in a coaching session or workshop format - in presence or digitally.
Just contact me and we will find your very tailor made journey to your vision:


Portrait of carolin Sonnabend: Mediation, conflict management, consultancy.

Are you ready to embark on
a journey of communication,
understanding, and transformation?

As a certified mediator and systemic consultant, specialized in the art of non-violent communication (M. Rosenberg) and systemic approaches I am fascinated in the power and wisdom of every individual and groups to form their path and creat solutions.

Embracing Diversity

Born in East Germany, grown up in a family where migration was and is part of our daily lives. For me, this reensures the need of intercultural competences, diversity and trauma sensibility in relationships steadily and always shows new perspectives and dimensions to take into account.

The power of community/groups

I strongly believe in swarm intelligence, the strength of communities, groups and the power of vision. My personal journey began not only in the world of academia, where the seeds of community empowerment and transformative communication were planted, also in the work with groups and communities in over 10 years internationally. Powersentitive organizational structures and cultures, like collective Leadership, is one of my missions.

Creative and Innovative

Most important: You are your best tool! My passion is to find creative and mind-moving techniques that acompany your journey to a next level with the ressources you have. From Playback Theater to Forum Theater, Constellations to Vision Finding, I bring an array of innovative tools to the table, that inspire me personally on my journey.

I am thankfull and happy to be part of your journey!

Carolin Sonnabend

Get in Touch

the quote Paths are Made by Walking Them on a background of a natural path going into the woods

Interested in getting to know my work? You have a concrete mission you want to work on? Let´s get started!

I offer free getting to know meetings in a video call, a phone call or whatever is working for you in that moment.

Just write an email to: